Code of Conduct
- David Salmon, Chairman & CEO
" Amelia Knight Limited is committed to conducting business ethically, with integrity and transparency while promoting a culture of open communication.
Here at Amelia Knight Limited we must never lose sight of the values and culture that have made us the company we are today. One of our greatest strengths as a family and as a company is the uncompromising integrity and care for our employees, customers and suppliers.
It is up to each and every one of us to ensure that Amelia Knight Limited’s core values are upheld and practiced in our daily work. Our Management and Human Resources team are always available for further guidance and support.
Together, let’s make our Code a living, breathing standard for how we conduct our business. "
Statement from the Chairman

An adequate, free of charge, supply of wholesome drinking water shall be provided for all persons at work at Amelia Knight. Water stations will be situated in proximity of employees who can’t leave their station for long periods of time and there will be a minimum of one drinking point for every 40 employees. Drinking water will be clean, safe for consumption, cool and palatable, outlets will be separate from toilets and washing facilities to avoid contamination and disposable drinking containers will be provided.
Access to Clean Water
Working hours and remuneration are reasonable and comparable to other companies in our manufacturing sector and regular employment is provided. Staff pay rates are at and above the national legal minimum standards, staff are not forced to work in excess of 48 hours per week, a voluntary opt out agreement is available for those wishing to work in excess of 48 hours per week. In any event, wages must always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income.
All overtime shall be voluntary. Overtime shall be used responsibly, taking into account all the following: the extent, frequency and hours worked by individual workers and the workforce as a whole. It shall not be used to replace regular employment. Overtime shall always be compensated at a premium rate, which is not less than 150% of the regular rate of pay (200% for Sundays).
Living Wages & Working Hours
Amelia Knight Limited is committed to being a company driven by fairness, integrity, transparency and ethical conduct. We strive to avoid any negative impacts on anyone involved in our business while maintaining our high standards and reputation.
Employment is freely chosen
Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
Working conditions are safe and hygienic
Child labour shall not be used
Living wages are paid
Working hours are not excessive
No discrimination is practised
Regular employment is provided
No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
Child Labour
Forced Labour
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Equal Opportunity, Discrimination & Harassment
For Amelia Knight people are key to the success of the business and we are committed to promoting an open and inclusive workplace where all employees feel more engaged and inspired to achieve their maximum potential. Amelia Knight recognises and respects the basic right of all employees to associate freely, to join or form a trade union and bargain collectively without fear of intimidation, pressure or reprisal and no employee will suffer victimisation, discrimination, or any other ill-treatment due to their decision to engage or not engage in workers’ representation.
Amelia Knight is committed to maintaining a safe, productive, diverse, inclusive, professional, collegial and secure work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Discrimination, harassment, or inappropriate conduct is not tolerated by or against employees, customers, vendors, contractors or any other individuals who conduct business with Amelia Knight Limited.
Amelia Knight is committed to providing equal opportunity in accordance with applicable local law and in all areas of people management, including recruitment, employment, assignment, transfer, promotion, compensation, benefits and training. The company makes employment decisions based upon legitimate business criteria and the qualifications, skills and experience of individuals.
Harassment or any unwelcome conduct (verbal, nonverbal or physical) that has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity, creating a hostile or offensive work environment, or that can reasonably be expected to cause an individual to feel uncomfortable, intimidated, threatened, bullied, humiliated, offended, denigrated or distressed shall not be tolerated under any circumstances and will be dealt with under the Amelia Knight’s disciplinary procedure.
Amelia Knight Limited will not tolerate the use of child labour in any of its operations and facilities. We will not tolerate the exploitation of children and we will not provide employment to children before they have reached the legal age to have completed their compulsory education, as defined by the relevant authorities.
The Company expects its suppliers, business partners and associates (collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) to have and uphold similar standards and abide by country-governing laws in countries wherein they operate. The violation of this principle will cause serious action, including discontinuation of the business relationship.
All Amelia Knight workers shall have the right to choose their employment voluntarily and freely, free of deception and without the threat of a penalty. The company will not exact work or service from any person under the threat of any negative consequences and all employees will be free from the threat of physical, psychological, sexual or gender-based violence or harassment.
Employees will not be mandated or coerced into working beyond their contractually agreed working hours and will be free to reject overtime work without suffering any negative consequences. Overtime work will be compensated at premium rates.
Working hours may exceed 60 hours in any 7-day period only in exceptional circumstances where all of the following are met:
this is allowed by national law;
this is allowed by a collective agreement freely negotiated with a workers’ organisation representing a significant portion of the workforce;
appropriate safeguards are taken to protect the workers’ health and safety; and
the employer can demonstrate that exceptional circumstances apply such as unexpected production peaks, accidents or emergencies.
Workers shall be provided with at least one day off in every 7-day period or, where allowed by national law, 2 days off in every 14-day period.
Amelia Knight Limited commits, and requires all business partners, to be fully aware of, and compliant with, all local, regional and international laws and regulations on labour protection, as applicable in any countries where business operations take place.
Health and Safety
Amelia Knight Limited recognises and accepts its health and safety duties for providing a safe and healthy working environment (as far as is reasonably practicable) for all its workers (paid or volunteer) and other visitors to its premises under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, other relevant legislation and common law duties of care.
It is the policy of the Organisation to promote the health and safety of the committee members, volunteers, staff and of all visitors to the Organisation's premises and to that intent to:
Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
Manage health and safety risk in our workplace.
Provide clear instructions and information and adequate training to ensure employees are competent to do their work.
Provide personal protective equipment.
Consult with our employees on maters affecting their health and safety.
Ensure safe handling and use of substances.
Maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
Implement emergency procedures, including evacuation in case of fire or another significant incident.
Review and revise this policy regularly.